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Anti Ragging Policy


  • 'Merit' and 'Ethics' being the core driving values of ICFAI University, towards turning out professionals of high caliber with strong sense of ethical judgments, social integration of student population coming from different parts of the country with most diverse cultural and social back grounds, becomes a matter of prime importance.
  • 'Ragging' a social menace, as such has no place in academic environment of the University and concerted efforts are required to be in place to prevent its occurrence at any point of time. Hence the need for a balanced 'anti-ragging policy' to be adopted by the University.
  • Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, during December 2007 has expressed concern over the incidents of ragging occurring in higher educational institutions and the need to eliminate it altogether.
Anti Ragging Policy

I. Introduction

(3) The report of the Raghavan Committee constituted as per directions of the Supreme Court of India has already been adopted by the University Grants Commission.

(4) The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India has taken a serious note of the incidents of ragging and is of the view that serious action should be taken against those indulging in "ragging" so that the these incidents are not repeated and exemplary punishment is meted out to those indulging in it. Strict implementation of the guidelines issued by Honble Supreme Court on this issue has also been stressed by the Ministry.

(5) Ragging is a criminal offence and lowers the standards of education. The "anti-ragging policy" adopted by the University takes care of preventive, procedural and punitive aspects of ragging based on the guidelines provided by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, recommendations of the Raghavan Committee, instructions/guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission, Ministry of HRD (Govt. of India).

Anti-Ragging Policy

This policy encourages socialization of students to the academic environment of the University, simultaneously discouraging and preventing any negative acts on parts of senior students, which goes against the basic purpose of Socio academic integration. The 'anti-ragging policy' adopted by the University therefore is aimed at:

(1) Creation, Development and nurturing a conducive, socio-academic environment within the student population.

(2) Generating and maintaining a high level of confidence within new entrants and their parents/guardians to perceive that fresh entrants to the University are welcome and provided support, rather than being harassed and intimidated.

(3) Keeping in place an integrated system to discourage and prevent any negative acts like 'ragging' by the seniors, which disrupts socio-academic integration of new entrants.

(4) Prescribing deterrent measures for any violation of the "Anti-Ragging Policy" by way of disciplinary measures.

II. Definitions

For the purpose of this policy

(1) "University" means The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Raipur.

(2) 'Student' includes any person who is enrolled for any course, whether full time or part time, with University, and includes an undergraduate or postgraduate student, a Research Scholar, a visitor, and a repeater. It also includes a student of another University or college who has been placed or has opted for placement with the University or short-term courses at the University.

(3) 'Hostel' - includes the place/(s) where freshers are accommodated through institutional or private arrangements.

(4) 'Ragging'

(i) Any disorderly conduct, whether by words spoken or written or by an act, which has the affect of teasing or handling with rudeness any other students, rowdy or indisciplined activities, which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the student to do any act or perform something, which such students will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment, so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.

Until otherwise specified, elaborated or additions made, the following will be included in acts of "ragging"

a. Any act that prevents disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of a student, is included as academic aspects of ragging.

b. Exploiting services of junior students for completing academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of seniors.

c. Any act of financial extorting or forceful expenditure burden put on junior student/ (s) by senior /(s).

d. Any act of physical abuse, including all varieties, sexual, homo-sexual assault, and stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person.

(ii) Ragging has several aspects with among others psychological, social, political, economic, culture and academic dimensions. The Psychological aspects of ragging are seen to cause permanent damage to the victims personality. Such treatment of young and impressionable minds could result in traumatizing them and damaging their personalities beyond repair in the formative years of their lives.

a. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, snail-mails, public insult or alike should be considered within the physiological aspects of ragging.

b. This aspect would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from activity or passively participating in the discomfort of others.

c. Any act that affects the mental health and self confidence of students can be described in terms of the psychological aspects of ragging.

III. Preventive Aspects of Ragging

(A) Systemized Efforts for Socio-Academic Integration Of New Entrants.

1. Address by the Head of the constituents.

Heads of all constituents of the University, during their address/discussions to/with parents/guardians, admission aspirants/ fresh entrants students at the time of counseling meets, new batch induction on registration, batch inaugurals and other such occasions, should invariably assure the students and parents about full protection and support against any attempts of ragging by seniors while briefly introducing the 'Anti Ragging Policy' of the University. The efforts during such meets be directed towards achieving socio-academic integration of new entrants with the specific merit oriented environment of mutuality and trust of the University.

III. Preventive Aspects of Ragging

Each constituent may organize, in a befitting manner, inaugurals of new batches, towards progressive socialization efforts. Head of the Institutes and faculty members, during such inaugurals may provide to the students, the guidelines on behavioral norms.

3. Fresher's Party.

Seniors, be encouraged to organize, "Welcome Party" for new entrants. For this purpose an organizing committee be constituted, out of senior students of which, a senior faculty member will be the Ex-Officio-Chairman cum Patron. Such a party, by senior students, be organized within first fortnight, of the beginning of academic session. Head of the Institution and faculty members, to the extent possible, should participate in the party.

4. Professional Counselling.

Professional Counsellors attached to the constituents / University should provide counseling to 'fresher' in order to prepare them for the socio-academic life ahead particularly for adjusting to life in hostels.

5. Mentoring Cells.

Each constituent of the University should have a 'Mentoring Cell'- functioning under guidance of a Senior Faculty and in direct supervision of the 'Professional Counsellor'. Such a cell would be manned by senior students. There should be one senior student mentor for a specified group of 10 junior students. Membership to the mentoring cell by senior students would be on voluntary basis by inviting applications and nominating membership on year to year basis.

6. Social, Cultural, Sports Activities.

Each constituent of the University should organize setting up of social cultural and sports committees, under charge of a faculty member. Membership of these committees, will be on a mixed group pattern, with a cross section of senior and junior students. Other students' related areas of activities should also be coordinated through identical pattern of committees.

7. Watch and Ward arrangements.

Each constituent should identify all vulnerable locations, and ensure keeping a constant vigil and watch at such locations including monitoring of the atmosphere and the environment at eating 'Joints' (Canteens, Cafes, 'khoka', Dhabas etc). Hostel / accommodations, where freshers are accommodated, are required to be carefully guarded if necessary, by posting security personnel and placed in charge of a warden.

8. Migration Certificates, Character Certificates, School Leaving Certificates.

(i) Migration / School leaving certificates and character certificates, issued by the previous institution/university to the admission aspirants to any of the University constituents should be carefully checked for any entry relating to the student's involvement in "ragging" activities at the time of registration for admission.

(ii) Migration certificate issued by the constituents/University to the students should have an entry apart from general conduct and behavior, whether student had participated in and in particular was punished for "ragging".

(B) Wide dissemination of Anti-Ragging Policy.

1. Admission Advertisements.

All admission related advertisements of the University should indicate that "ragging is banned in all constituents of the University".

2. Prospectus and Admission forms.

(a) All prospectus should contain a specific caution that "ragging is banned in all constituents of the University, and any one found indulging in ragging, is likely to be punished appropriately which may include expulsion from the institute." While providing a gist of the "Anti-Ragging Policy" of the University, and also the likely punishments for indulging in such activities, in the prospectus for admission to any constituent of the University, number of cases of "ragging" in the previous academic year/session, the punishment awarded to the guilty should also be mentioned.

(b) All forms for admission to any course of the University to any of the constituents should contain a specific declaration to be signed by the student seeking admission. The form, in which such a declaration has not been signed, should summarily be rejected and relevant format is as below:

Declaration by Candidates

I certify that I have gone through the 'Anti Ragging Policy' of The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Raipur (, and I agree to sign the declaration regarding the 'Anti Ragging' and also submit the same countersigned by my parents/guardians at the time of admission.

c. The candidates accepting the offer of the admission have to sign the following undertaking :

undertaking - 1

I am aware that ragging is banned in The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Raipur and all of its constituents and if I am found guilty of ragging, I will be liable for appropriate punishment, which may include expulsion from the institute / University.

Signature of the candidate

undertaking - 2

I am aware that ragging is banned in the ICFAI University including all of its constituents and if my son/daughter/ward namely found guilty of ragging, he/she will be liable for appropriate punishment which may include expulsion from the institute/University.

Signature of the parent/guardian

3. Undertaking from existing students and their parents / guardians.

To ensure undertaking, as indicated above from the students and their parents/guardians, already studying in any constituents of the University. Such an undertaking should be obtained, before commencement of the next academic session/education year, failing which registration should be denied.

4. Printed leaflets for new entrants.

In order to promote and raise confidence and to address natural anxiety among freshers, each new entrant to any of the University constituent, at the time of registration, should be provided a printed leaflet indicating do's and don'ts to prevent them from any likely incident of ragging which should also include a brief on the "Anti-Ragging Policy", of the University. Such leaflet should also contain names, addresses and contact numbers of such persons, to whom, and when, students need to turn for information, help and guidance relating to ragging.

5. Erection of Hoardings/Bill Boards/Banners.

The constituents of the University should erect suitable hoardings/bill boards/ banners in prominent places within the campus to exhort students to prevent, or not to indulge in ragging, also mentioning the names of the officials and their contact numbers, to be contacted in case of "ragging".

IV. Monitoring Aspects of Ragging

A. Anti-Ragging Surveys

Anonymous random surveys, across first year students be carried out every fortnight, during first three months, at all the constituents of the University, to verify and check, whether the campus is indeed free from 'ragging'.

B. Monitoring Cell at the University Level

A monitoring cell should be constituted at University level, directly functioning under the 'Registrar' to coordinate with the constituents of the University. The cell should call for reports from the Heads of the constituents in regards to the activities of the 'Anti-Ragging Committees', 'Anti-Ragging Squads', 'Mentoring Cells' and the compliance with instructions on various ragging preventive measures, incidents and the manner in which the same are dealt with. This cell should also keep itself abreast of the decisions of the district/ state level 'Anti-Ragging committees' or 'Monitoring cells'.

V. Procedural And Punitive Aspects of "Ragging"

A. First Instance Persons (FIPs)/Anti Ragging Squads

i) Each constituents and /or the University should nominate, 'First Information Persons' (FIPs) at beginning of each academic year. These persons should provide first instance intervention in case of any complaint of "ragging".

ii) FIPs will also need to co-ordinate the preventive aspects of ragging, under guidance of the head of the constituents of the University aiming to create a "ragging free environment".

iii) FIPs will be responsible for taking steps to ensure that cases of "ragging" within their constituent unit are brought to the notice of the Registrar.

iv) FIPs are empowered to deal with informal complaints of "ragging" and/or take suo-moto cognizance of any of such an incident.

v) FIPs will also function as 'Anti-Ragging Squad' and "Anti-Ragging Vigilance Committee" also.

B. Ragging Reporting Procedurei

If any individual believes that he or she has been subjected to 'ragging' or has knowledge of any such incident, such person (or FIP, who may have assisted the complainants or those, who have otherwise observed / known about "ragging") shall have option to file a complaint with the Registrar. The complaint may be written or oral. Written complaint is preferable.

ii) FIPS or member/s of the 'Enquiry Committee' will also be available to discuss any concerns exhibited by any student or a group of students, about ragging.

iii) All formal/Informal complaints of "ragging" may be made to the FIP within the constituent unit or directly to Registrar as stated above.

C. Enquiry Committee (EC)

A three member enquiry committee, (of which one will be a female member) to be nominated by the Registrar will investigate all reported cases of ragging, in such a way, so as to maintain confidentiality to the extent practicable under the circumstances. The investigations should start maximum within 3 days of reporting the incident and reports finalized by the Enquiry Committee' pinpointing the involvement of the accused along with recommendations relating to the punishment will be submitted to the Registrar of the University maximum within a period of 4 weeks. In exceptional circumstances, The Registrar may grant extension to the time limit under information to the complainant and the accused.

D. Process of Enquiry D. Process of Enquiry

The process of enquiry should be such to ensure that principles of natural justice are adhered to. Details of the process would be identical as in the case of 'Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Sexual Harassment' adopted by the University.

E. Punishment / Penalties for 'ragging'

Based on the report of enquiry submitted by the 'Enquiry Committee', the Registrar of the University will be empowered to impose any of the punishment/(s) listed below or any other kind of punishment, which he may consider to be appropriate.

i. Withholding scholarships or other benefits.

ii Debarring from representation of events.

iii. Withholding results.

iv. Expulsion from hostel / mess.v. Debarring from examination/s.

vi. Denied admission to any of the constituents.

vii. Suspension from the constituent or class for a limited period.

viii. Fine with public apology.

ix. Prosecuting for criminal offence.x. Filing FIR with the local police.

xi. Cancellation of admission / expulsion from the constituent / University.

xii. Collective punishment in case the individual/(s) committing or abetting "ragging" are not identified.

F. Appeal

Appeal with regards to any action taken against the accused at any level and / or against the punishment awarded under this policy by the 'Registrar', shall lie with the Vice Chancellor of the University, which should be filed within a period of two weeks from such an action or award of punishment.

VI. Saving And Repeal Clause

Vice Chancellor of the University will posses the sole authority for any interpretation, modification, or amendment to the policy depending upon the need from time to time. He will also have powers to exercise his discretion with respect to any or all of the clauses of this policy.

The Anti-Ragging Cell at the University level for the Academic Year 2024-25



Dr. S. P. Dubey

Vice Chancellor




Dr. Shanti Swarup Dubey

Co-curricular Activity Cell




Prof. Debendra Shadangi

Senior Member


List of Members






Mail ID


Mr. J. S. Kurrey





Mr. Mukund Rathore





Mr. Vikram Shaha Thakur

Senior Reporter




Dr. Shiv Narayan

Head of Department




Dr. Animesh Kumar Sharma

Head of Department




Dr. W Ramana Rao

Head of Department




Dr. Jaya Singh

Head of Department




Dr. Pyali Chatterjee

Head of Department




Dr. Archi Dubey

Head of Department




Mr Abhishek Pal


B Ed



Aastha Dongre


B Com



Priyanshu Das


B Tech



Gaurav Thakur


B Sc



Siddhi Shukla





Aditi Goyal





Mr Pramod Shukla




SMT Meena Goyal
